FAQ - We Bankers


We Bankers

Banking Revolution in india




1.    What is WeBankers Association?

WeBankers is a New Age Registered Trade Union Body in the Banking Sector committed to the welfare of the Bank Employees.It is promoted and run by young Bank Employeeswith the advice and guidance of veteran senior Banking professionals. WeBankers is an independent Trade Union with absolutely no political affiliation.


2.    How can I join WeBankers?

Currently the procedure to join WeBankers is by visiting www.webankers.in and subscribe for membership.

The Direct link for Memebrship Subscription is given below.


However we have initiated necessary legal proceedings and we are waiting for the grant of check-off facility to us in all Banks like other unions.


3.    What is the membership fee to join Webankers?

The membership fee for WeBankers is Rupees 50/Month*(Charged Annually) for all bank Employees either Working or Retired.


4.    I wish to join Webankers but at present I fear to leave the present Union in which I am currently in. Could I still join/support WeBankers?

You may support WeBankers by subscribing for membership with us. While we request your unwavering support for weBankers, you are free to take the best decision for yourself which could be either by supporting us from outside or by supporting us by being an active member of WeBankers.


5.    What if my existing Union harass me for leaving it and joining WeBankers?

Always remember that a trade union is a voluntary organisation.

You may please understand that it’s the basic rightand privilege of the Employee to decide a Union of his choice and not the other way round. Your career in Banking is bound by rules and regulations which has provisions for Employee welfare too. WeBankers stay committed to stand for its members to safeguard them at their workplace.


6.    If I take WeBankers’ membership, will it assist in representing meincase of a dispute / issue with any authority like the Bank Management?

WeBankers reiterate its commitment to stand for its members’ welfare. We promise you that we will leave no stone unturned to assist its members in securing the legitimate rights and privileges.


7.    Why Should I join WeBankers? How WeBankers are different from other Unions?

Any Bank Employee who believe that the working condition and wages of bankers have been compromised over a large period of time through Bipartite settlements which is nothing but a drama enacted by the UFBU and the IBA, We invite them to be a part of WeBankers.

WeBankers primarily stands for the unity among the Bankers irrespective of the Bank and Cadre.

WeBankers is the only Trade Union having an Organisation Structure which is based on the principles of Unity and Inclusion.

WeBankers differ from the existing old Unions right from its form, approach and conduct.

WeBankers is the only Trade Union in the Country that is fighting for an Exclusive Separatepay Commission for Bank employees.

WeBankers is the first Union that has challenged the illegitimate role of the IBA in deciding wages for bank employees.


8.    I am a retired Bank Employee. Can I join WeBankers?

Yes. WeBankers invite the whole Banking fraternity, both working and retired, to be a part of WeBankers. In our dispute before the National Industrial Tribunal, we have highlighted the present plight of pensioners and  also included the issue of  pension updation.  .


9.    Is WeBankers a Union that has its functioning only in North India?

We wish to inform you that WeBankers is a Trade Union Body that has spreads its wings in almost every state of this Nation.

WeBankers has become a formidable voice in the Banking Industry with its ideology and exemplary functioning.WeBankers has thousands of members across this Country joining hands irrespective of the language and Geographical barriers.


10. If I join WeBankers, will it help me to get transfer to my native place?

We would like to intimate you that WeBankers has stepped into the Trade Union Movement not just for securing transfers for its members. Instead WeBankers is committed to create a holistic working environment, transparent HR framework and solve such other burning topics in the Banking Industry which could benefit not only for the members of WeBankers but for each and every employee in Banks.


11. What is the organisation Structure of Webankers?

As any other Trade Union, WeBankers have a National Confederation of State Unions except for the fact that there will be only one State Body for a specific cadre which will have members from all Banks. The aim is to unite Bankers without any division.


12. Do WeBankers demand Levy from its members like other Unions?

We would like to inform you that, WeBankers heavily oppose the idea and practise of Levy collection.

We believe that fighting for the welfare of our members is our Duty but not a favour done to our members to collect Levy.

WeBankers promise every bank employee that we will never demand Levy or indulge in such other measures.

13. I am a serving employee in a Bank. Will I get the opportunity to be an office bearer of the WeBankers unlike the autocratic rule in other Unions?

Yes. If you want to help your co-workers, you are most welcome to be our active member in your area.You definitely stand a chance to have an opportunity for becoming an office bearer of WeBankersin due course, as we believe in transparency, democracy and equality of opportunity. WeBankers stay committed to nurture young bank employees to take leadership roles in the Union as well as set an example for the brotherhood.


14. What are the core issues on which WeBankers are fighting?

For WeBankers, the welfare of its members is its prime responsibility. Its duty is to rise to the expectations and need of the Employees of the Banking Sector. A few of the core issues that WeBankers demand are:-

v  An exclusive Pay Commission and wages for Bank Employees at par with the Central Govt. employees.

v  5 day Banking

v  Pension Updation in line with Central Govt Employees Pension.

v  Safety at work.

v  Prohibition of Cross Selling.

v  Transparent and just HR Framework in banks.

v  Women Employee welfare measures.
